10 Minute Ab Workout Planks

10 minute ab workout tips for abdominal oblique exercises

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Ever find yourself looking in the mirror and wishing your stomach was flatter and more toned? Well, we’ve got good news. With just 10 minutes a day, you can transform your body and build your dream abs. That’s right – no more spending hours at the gym or breaking your bank for an expensive personal trainer.

The key to success with this quick and easy 10-minute ab workout is consistency and focus. You don’t need to be a gym rat to get the abs you desire – all you need is the determination to stick with it and do it properly. We’ve put together a guide to help you out, so you get the most out of your 10 minute ab workout every time. So, let’s get started!

Warm Up Before Ab Workouts

Before jumping into any ab workout, it’s essential to warm up your body. Taking a few minutes to stretch and get your body ready for the workout ahead can help reduce strain and injuries, as well as increase your flexibility.

Not all warm ups are created equal, however. To get the most out of your 10 minute ab workouts, start with dynamic stretches such as:

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Arm swings
  • High knees
  • Ankle circles

These moves target your abdominal area while also engaging other areas of your body like hips and lower back. This helps you not only prepare for the exercises ahead but allows you to incorporate additional muscle groups into each workout—making it even more effective at transforming your body!

Core Strengthening Ab Exercises

Core strengthening exercises are essential for toning and building up your abdominals, making them look and feel stronger. Luckily, these easy 10-minute ab workouts can help get you there in no time! Try incorporating some of these moves into your daily routine to see results:

  • Bicycle Crunches: This move targets your lower abdominals, helping to tone and strengthen the core muscles and activate multiple muscle groups at once.
  • Planks: Planks are a great way to work on strengthening your entire core — from your shoulders all the way down to your hips. Start out by holding a plank for 10 seconds, then gradually working up over time.
  • Mountain Climbers: These bodyweight exercises not only target your abs but also engage your arms and legs for overall core strengthening. Try doing 1 minute intervals for maximum results!

By performing these exercises consistently over time, you’ll start to see major changes in the strength and look of your abdomen. Keep challenging yourself with different exercises while gradually increasing intensity as you go. You’ll be sporting washboard abs in no time!

Cardio Ab Workouts

Are you interested in a quick and easy 10 minute ab workout to transform your body? Here’s one for you to try: cardio ab workouts. These are great for getting your heart pumping and burning some extra calories. Plus, they work several different parts of your core at once, creating a more effective workout in less time.

So what are some good exercises for this type of workout? Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Plank jacks: Get into a plank position with your shoulders over your hands, then jump your feet out wide and then together as you keep your hips stable. Repeat rapidly for 30 seconds.
  • Knee tuck crunch: Lie on the ground with your hands behind your head and your legs straight up in the air. Bend at the waist and bring one knee to the opposite elbow by crunching up. Switch sides and repeat.
  • Bicycle crunches: Lie on the ground with hands behind the head, elbows out, feet together off the ground, knees bent at 90 degrees. Alternately bring each elbow towards opposite knee while extending the other leg straight out for 10 reps per side.

These three cardio ab exercises will help you get through a 10 minute ab workout quickly and effectively. Try doing each exercise for 30 seconds with no rest in between, then take a 45 second break before repeating this set 3-4 times for an intense ab-transforming session!

Plank Exercise Variations

When it comes to building a strong core, the plank is one of the best exercises you can do. Fortunately, there are plenty of plank variations you can do in just 10 minutes to get your abs fabulously toned. Here are a few examples:

Side Plank

Start by lying on your side with your forearm on the ground, directly under your shoulder, while your other hand is on your hips. Now lift your hips off the floor and hold that position for as long as you can (aim for 30 seconds).

Superman Plank

Lie face down on the floor and prop yourself up with elbows tucked under you shoulder. Now lift both arms and legs straight off the floor while tightening your abs and glutes. Hold this position with control for as long as possible (start with 15-30 seconds).

Bird Dog Plank

Get into a plank position first, then alternate reaching one arm forward and opposite leg backward for 10 reps each side for an added challenge. Keep your back straight and engage those core muscles to keep from wobbling around!

These variations of ab exercises can help to build strength in all areas of your core within 10 minutes or less—just be sure to keep proper form throughout the entire workout to get maximum benefits from these exercises!

Best Exercises to Train Your Abs in 10 Minutes

So what are the best exercises to train your abs in 10 minutes? You’ll want to make them count if you want a toned stomach and washboard abs.

Fortunately, there are some great exercises that you can fit into a 10-minute ab workout session and get results. Here are five of the best:


The plank is a great exercise for your entire core, but it’s especially beneficial for your abs. It also helps strengthen your arms and shoulders. To do a plank, start by laying on your stomach. Lift yourself up onto your toes and elbows and hold this position for 10-15 seconds or as long as possible without arching or slouching your back. You should be in a straight line from head to toe throughout the entire movement.


Sit-ups are another great exercise for working your abs. To do them, lay flat on your back with arms crossed over chest and feet flat on the ground. Engaging the core, lift head and neck off the ground then slowly lower back down to start position. Make sure to keep chin slightly tucked as you perform each rep. Aim for 8-12 repetitions per set.


Crunches are another effective ab exercise that only take a few minutes to complete when done correctly. Lie flat on the floor with hands behind head or across chest then engage core muscles tightly while lifting both shoulders off the ground simultaneously until elbows meet thighs or knees at 90 degrees before slowly lowering back down again to start position then repeating this movement 8-12 times per set while maintaining form throughout each rep.


Cool Down After Ab Workouts

The last thing you need to do after your 10-minute ab workout session is to properly cool down. This will help your body recover, reduce soreness and prevent injury, so it’s essential to make some time for it after each workout.

A good cool down should include some stretching and breathing exercises. Start by gently stretching the abdominal muscles in all directions — up, down, right and left — holding each stretch for at least 15 seconds. To keep things interesting, you can use the [Featured Product] to integrate core-strengthening exercises like the plank or single leg raises into your cool down routine.

When you’re done stretching, focus on deep breathing to bring oxygen into your muscles and release any built-up tension or toxins in the body. Put your hands on your abdomen as you inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. It’s important to be mindful of your breathing during this exercise as it can help calm anxiety and reduce stress levels afterwards.

When done correctly, a 10-minute ab workout combined with an effective cool down can help you achieve those toned abs you’ve always wanted!

Get a Strong Core in Just 10 Minutes

Ten minutes is all it takes to get a strong core and sculpted abs! Here’s what to do:

  1. Start with a warm-up—do some light cardio for one minute to get your heart rate up and wake up your muscles.
  2. Then, move on to some dynamic stretching exercises, like arm circles and leg swings. These will give you a good range of motion, so you can get the most out of your ab workout. Spend three minutes on this.
  3. Up the intensity of your ab workout with exercises like mountain climbers, bicycle crunches and planks for four minutes. These should really challenge your core and give you an ab burn that you can feel!
  4. Finally, end with some cooling down exercises for two minutes — try some shoulder rolls or back arches to release tension in your body and make sure your body’s ready for the rest of the day!

So there you have it — ten minutes is all it takes to get toned abs!

Why You Should Focus on Ab Workouts

Now that we’ve gone through some of the best ab workouts that you can do in 10 minutes, why should you focus on them?

Improved Balance and Posture

Core strengthening exercises like ab workouts help to improve your balance and posture. This means that you will be better able to stand up straight, thus improving your overall appearance. In addition, having stronger abdominal muscles will give you an increased sense of stability and help prevent lower back pain.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Having strong abdominals can also reduce your risk of injury when engaging in physical activities like running, cycling or hiking. Your abs provide stability and support during any activity you’re doing, so if you strengthen them, you can reduce the risk of injury associated with weak abdominal muscles.

Improved Performance During Workouts

Finally, strengthening your abs can give you a competitive edge during any activity or workout. Having strong abs will enable you to perform better during any type of workout whether it’s HIIT training, running on the treadmill or lifting weights.

Midsection Exercises for a 10-Minute Ab Workout

If you’re looking for a quick and easy 10-minute ab workout, here are some exercises that you can do to help transform your body. Ready to get started? Here we go!


The plank is one of the best exercises for sculpting your abs. To do a plank, simply get into a push-up position with your elbows bent and resting on the ground. Make sure your back and legs are in a straight line and hold this position for 30 seconds or up to 1 minute. This will engage your core muscles and help strengthen them over time.


Crunches are another great exercise for working out your abs. To do a basic crunch, lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and hands behind your head. Using only your abdominal muscles, slowly lift up until you reach the starting position and then lower yourself back down slowly until you reach the ground again. Repeat this movement 10 times or as many as you can in 10 minutes.

Leg Raises

Leg raises are also great for toning up those abs in no time at all! Lie down flat on the ground with both arms by your side and then raise both legs together while keeping them straight as far as they can go before bringing them back down to the ground again. Do this exercise 10 times or as many as you can in 10 minutes to really work those muscles!

Plank for Maximum Core Strength and 6 pack abs

Ready to take your ab workout up a notch? Planks are a great way to get maximum core strength in just minutes. The key is form, and holding each plank for the required duration.

To do a basic plank, all you have to do is lie face down with your feet together and forearms parallel. Then hold yourself up off the ground for up to one minute (you can work your way up to it if that’s too hard) with your core muscles completely engaged. Don’t forget that you should keep your back flat, so your abdomen will feel like it’s tightening as you hold the plank form — that’s when you know you’re doing it correctly.

Variations on Planking

Once you master the basic plank and can hold one for a full minute, then you can move onto some variations on planking that will target different areas of your core muscles:

  1. Shoulder Taps – When in the plank position, tap your left shoulder with your right hand and then vice versa for an additional challenge.
  2. Side Plank – Lay on one side with feet stacked and arm perpendicular with palms down – extend top arm reaching towards the sky and engage the core.
  3. Bird Dog Plank – Start in a high plank position and bring alternate knee towards opposite elbow while keeping hips level with the ground during movement – this engages lower abs as well!

Planks will help strengthen that full midsection while effectively burning body fat — plus, they are portable enough to do anywhere! So don’t forget to incorporate them into your 10 minute ab workout routine for maximum results!

Crossover Ab Crunches for a Complete Workout

Crossover ab crunches are a great way to round out your 10-minute ab workout. That’s because they give you an all-encompassing workout that targets your core from side to side.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Lie flat on your back and bring your knees up at a 90-degree angle with the soles of your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and gently support the neck with the fingers.
  2. Take a deep breath and lift your upper body off the floor, bringing the left elbow and right knee together as you exhale. Keep both knees bent at 90 degrees for each crunch
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other elbow and knee, alternating sides when you repeat this exercise
  4. Do 3 sets of 15 reps for each side

Crossover ab crunches are great because they target multiple muscles in one motion, including obliques, abs, hip flexors and more! By incorporating them into your 10 minute ab workout routine, you can say goodbye to those jiggly bits and hello to a tighter, more sculpted core!

One-Leg Bridges to Target Your Lower Abs

Time to target your lower abs! One-leg bridges are a great way to do it. This exercise not only helps with your ab strength but it’s great for your glutes and hamstrings too.

Here’s how to do a one-leg bridge:

  1. Start off on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place one foot flat on the ground and then lift the other leg off of the floor while tightening your core.
  2. Lift your butt up into a bridge position, making sure that everything is in line with no arching of the back at all.
  3. Hold the bridge for 3-5 seconds before slowly lowering back down to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for 10 reps before switching legs and performing 10 reps on that side as well.

Doing one-leg bridges strengthens both the abdominals and glutes, which improves posture, balance, and stability in the body. With this move in your arsenal, you can transform your body quickly and easily with just 10 minutes a day!

Obliques Twists With a Medicine Ball to Tone Your Sides

Ready to give those obliques a workout? All you need is a medicine ball to get your oblique muscles toned and tight. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, and hold the medicine ball in front of your chest with two hands.
  2. Twist your torso and the medicine ball to one side, then bring it back to the center.
  3. Repeat on the other side and continue alternating sides until you feel yourself getting a good workout—likely by 15 reps or so on each side.
  4. To up the intensity, add a jump when you twist—but make sure you land lightly on your toes and keep your core engaged throughout!

You’ll soon feel the burn in your obliques as you work them from all angles; this simple exercise really helps tone up those sides, giving you that rock-hard core look that’s so sought after in today’s fitness culture!

Standard Crunch to Finish Strong

If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to tone your abs, the standard crunch is a tried-and-true workout that’s guaranteed to get results. This simple exercise works both your upper and lower abdominal muscles, and all you need is 10 minutes of time twice a day to make it happen.


To do the standard crunch correctly, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your ears or crossed over your chest, then contract your abs as you lift your shoulders off the ground. It helps to imagine bringing your rib cage toward the pelvis. Hold for up to 10 seconds before slowly lowering yourself back down – no bouncing or jerking!

The Benefits of Crunches

Crunches are an efficient way to target all areas of the abdominal wall in a short amount of time – plus they’re easy to learn and can be used as part of any ab routine. Not only are they great for building strength, but crunches also help you increase muscular endurance so you’re able to complete more reps without getting tired quickly.

So if you’re pressed for time but still want visible abs, try adding crunches into your daily workout routine — just 10 minutes can make all the difference toward getting toned abdominals!


All in all, the 10-minute workout is a great way to maximize the time you have available and hit all the major muscles in your abdomen. It can be done at home or at the gym, and with a few modifications, can be tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re already in shape, these 10-minute ab workouts will help you to build an impressive midsection in no time. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself started on the road to a stronger, fitter you and see just how quickly you can transform your body.


Can a 10 minute ab workout be effective?

You might be wondering: can a 10 minute ab workout really be effective? Well, the answer is yes! Here’s why.

Variety is key

It’s important to incorporate a little bit of everything into your 10 minute ab workout. This means including exercises like planks and crunches to target specific muscles, plus moves like bicycle crunches and mountain climbers to engage your core from all angles. Adding variety to your ab workout keeps you from getting bored while also helping you challenge and strengthen your entire core.

Intensity matters

No matter how short your workout is, it should always be intense enough to make a difference. That means striving for higher-intensity moves that build strength and help you reach your fitness goals faster. After all, there’s nothing stopping you from getting in an effective ab workout in 10 minutes! Plus, adding intensity to your workouts increases their effectiveness and helps keep you motivated in the long run.

So next time you’re short on time but long on motivation, remember that a quick 10 minute ab workout can be just as effective as a longer one if done correctly. Just make sure to mix it up with different exercises, maintain proper form and add enough intensity to get the results you want!

What is the best 10 minute ab workout?

Are you looking for a quick and easy 10 minute ab workout to help you transform your body? Look no further! We’ve got the perfect 10 minute ab workout just for you.

Plank Progressions

Planking is a great way to work your core in just 10 minutes! Start by holding a plank for 30-seconds and then progress from there. Try adding an alternating knee tuck, side plank, or hip dip for more of a challenge. As you become more comfortable with these exercises, try holding each one for about 45-seconds.

Core Crunches

The classic core crunch is still one of the best ways to target your abs. Try doing a variety of core crunches such as Russian twists and leg lifts to work different parts of your core muscles. For best results, aim for 15-30 repetitions per exercise.

High Knees

High knees are a great way to get your heart rate up while also strengthening your abdominal muscles. Try running in place with high knees or do 10 high knee repetitions followed by 10 burpees. You can also try alternating between forward and backward high knee steps to target different parts of your abdominal muscles.

Whatever 10 minute ab workout routine you decide to do, it’s important to remember that consistency is key! Stick with it and soon you’ll start seeing some amazing results!

Should you do a 10 minute ab workout everyday?

So should you be doing a 10 minute ab workout every day? The answer is—it depends.

It’s true that the more you work your abs, the faster you’ll see results. But it also important to rest as well.

Your muscles need a break in order for them to grow and get stronger. So doing your 10 minute ab workout every other day is probably more beneficial than doing it each and every day. This gives your muscles a chance to regenerate and rebuild themselves, so they can become even stronger by the next workout session.

Additionally, while you’re resting they’re also healing and repairing any tiny micro-tears in your abdominal muscles that may have occurred during the 10 minutes of exercise. These micro-tears in your muscles naturally occur when working out as part of the process of muscle repair and growth — so don’t worry if you feel some soreness following your workouts!

Finally, engaging in other forms of physical activity such as walking or swimming on rest days is important too — this will help keep your heart rate up, which will help with increasing overall calorie burn!

Are 20 minute ab workouts effective?

Do you need more than 10 minutes of ab workouts to get your dream body? That depends on what you want to accomplish. Sure, 20 minute ab workouts can be incredibly effective if done correctly and consistently. But if you’re just starting out and are looking for an introduction to a regular workout routine, then a 10 minute ab workout could be a great place to start.

Having said that, let’s look at whether 20 minute ab workouts are in fact effective:

Burn more calories

The more intense your workout is, the higher your heart rate is going to be – which means that the more calories you can burn in 20 minutes compared to a 10 minute session. So if burning calories is your primary goal, you’ll definitely benefit from longer sessions.

Work out related muscle groups

The great thing about longer ab workouts is that they allow you to target related muscle groups like the lower back, obliques and even glutes – so you’re not just isolating your abs. Doing this will result in a stronger core and better posture overall.

Improve endurance

When it comes to improving your endurance levels with longer sessions, just consider this – doing shorter but more frequent sessions will help develop endurance better than one long session once in a while. So whether it’s 10 or 20 minutes, consistency is key!

Is 10 minutes enough for an ab workout?

You may be wondering if 10 minutes is enough for an ab workout. The answer is YES! In fact, 10 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be more effective than traditional, longer forms of exercise. It’s a great way to not only target your abs and sculpt your body, but also to burn fat and calories.

Here’s why:

Intense Reps

By doing short intervals of intense exercise, you can push yourself harder in those 10 minutes than you would in a traditional workout. This means that you get more bang for your buck—your body has to work harder, and this intensity helps build stronger ab muscles while burning more fat in the same amount of time.


Interval training means that instead of doing one type of exercise for the full 10 minutes, you can mix it up with different movements and intensities. This helps reduce boredom and keeps your body guessing—which means faster results.

So if you are looking to transform your core in just 10 minutes a day, HIIT is the way! With intense reps and interval training you can get amazing results in no time at all.

Is 10 minutes enough for core?

Are 10 minutes enough for core training? Absolutely! Core workouts needn’t be long and tedious, and a 10-minute session can be just as effective. Here are three exercises you can do in 10 minutes that will help you achieve a strong core:


The plank is an incredibly effective exercise that works the entire core region. To perform this exercise, start on your hands and knees, then lower your forearms to the ground. Lift your body up so that your toes, elbows and shoulders are in line and held straight. Hold for up to 60 seconds, or as long as you can maintain proper form.


This is an ideal exercise for those who want to really target the abs. Lie flat on the ground with your arms overhead and feet together. Then simultaneously raise your upper body and legs toward each other until they meet at a ‘V’ shape and hold for 3–5 seconds before returning to the starting point. Repeat this 15–20 times as part of your 10-minute workout.

Side Plank

The side plank is just like a regular plank but done on one side of the body instead of in a straight line. To perform it, start on your side with one forearm below your shoulder at 90 degrees angle, then lift your hips off the floor while engaging your core muscles. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds or until you can no longer maintain proper form, then switch sides and repeat.

Why do abs workouts at home?

Wondering why you should do ab workouts at home? Here are a few reasons why!


Let’s face it, going to the gym isn’t always convenient. It can take time away from your day and cost you money. But with a 10 minute ab workout, you can get all the same benefits right in your own home.


Doing your ab workouts at home also allows you to customize your routine to fit your needs. You can choose the equipment you want to use and tailor your exercises to target specific areas of your abs, depending on what goals you’re trying to reach.

Save time

Doing an ab workout at home is also a great way to save time. Instead of driving or commuting to the gym and waiting for machines or equipment, you can hop right into your 10 minute ab workouts and start getting results—all without ever leaving your house!

Plus, if you need an extra boost in motivation, there are plenty of online resources with instructional videos, helpful tips and tricks, and more. That way, you can stay focused and motivated while still getting a great workout in no time!

Rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis

If you’re looking to achieve defined ab muscles and get rid of belly fat, the rectus abdominis is one of the key muscles you need to focus on. One effective exercise for targeting this muscle is the reverse crunch, which involves lifting your shoulder blades off the floor while squeezing your abs. Unlike traditional sit-up, reverse crunches place more emphasis on the lower abs and can be a great way to strengthen your core and sculpt your six-pack.

To get the most out of your reverse crunches, it’s important to engage not just your rectus abdominis but also your transverse abdominis, which is a deeper layer of abdominal muscle that helps stabilize your spine. One way to do this is to focus on drawing your belly button towards your spine as you perform the exercise, rather than just lifting your legs.

If you’re looking to develop your upper abs, you can also try variations of the reverse crunch that involve lifting your legs towards your chest or twisting your torso. However, it’s important to remember that no amount of ab exercises will be effective in reducing belly fat if you’re not also following a healthy diet and engaging in regular cardio exercise. So make sure to combine your reverse crunches with a balanced nutrition plan and plenty of physical activity to see the best results.

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