best time to post on instagram

Best time to post on Instagram 2023: Maximize Your Reach

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Maximize Your Reach: The Best Times to Post on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. One of the main reasons behind its popularity is the algorithm that it follows. The algorithm favors posts that get numerous likes and comments over others. This means that users who post frequently have a higher chance of having their posts seen by many people. Besides posting often, posting at the right time can also help you maximize your reach on Instagram. In this blog, we’ll cover best times to post on Instagram, times to avoid, and tools that’ll help you schedule your posts and analyze your performance.

Looking for the best times What Time Are Instagram Users Most Active?

If you want to maximize your reach on Instagram, knowing when to post is essential. Generally, the best time to post on Instagram is on weekday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., with Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday being the ideal days. Engagement on Saturdays starts to pick up from as early as 6:00 a.m. and peaks from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. However, the best time to post also depends on the industry you’re in. For example, the retail industry should post on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. and Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., while the nursing industry should post in the morning between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Posting on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. is an excellent overall time for Instagram engagement. Knowing when to post can help increase engagement and grow your Instagram account.

The Best Times To Post On Instagram in 2023

If you want to maximize your reach on Instagram, then you should know the best times to post. As stated by various social media experts, the ideal times to post on Instagram may vary from region to region. However, some general rules can help optimize your posting schedule for the likes and engagement on Instagram. Weekday mornings, particularly Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, are the best times to post on Instagram. Moreover, experts suggest staying away from posting during rush hours, meal times, or when people are traveling to avoid getting lost in the shuffle.

It’s always vital to keep in mind that Instagram’s algorithm favors posts with high engagement and timely sharing. Though the suggested time zones will help you gain more traction, you should also consider your goals while planning your Instagram marketing strategy. By considering the different factors that influence your audience’s engagement, you can boost your Instagram presence and make the most of the platform by post regularly.

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Best Time to Post on Instagram: The Basics

Understanding the best time and best day to post on Instagram is crucial for getting maximum engagement on your posts. Here are some basics to keep in mind:

  • Weekdays generally have higher engagement rates than weekends.
  • Lunchtime (11:00 AM to 2:00 PM) and early evening (5:00 PM to 7:00 PM) are popular times for posting.
  • The exact best time to post depends on your audience, so it is important to experiment with different posting times.

Overall Best Time To Post On Instagram by Day

Here is a breakdown of the best times to post on Instagram by day based on the latest research:

  1. Monday
  • Best time to post: 5:00 AM
  • Other good times: 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM
  1. Tuesday
  • Best time to post: 9:00 AM
  • Other good times: 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM
  1. Wednesday
  • Best time to post: 9:00 AM
  • Other good times: 5:00 AM, 6:00 AM, 11:00 AM
  1. Thursday
  • Best time to post: 12:00 PM
  • Other good times: 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM
  1. Friday
  • Best time to post: 5:00 AM
  • Other good times: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
  1. Saturday
  • Best time to post: 11:00 AM
  • Other good times: 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM
  1. Sunday
  • Best time to post: 10:00 AM
  • Other good times: 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM
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Best Time to Post on Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories have become a popular way to engage with users. Here are the best times to post on Instagram Stories:

  • Weekdays during lunch (12:00 PM to 2:00 PM) are the best times to post Instagram Stories.


The best time to post on Instagram in 2023 depends on your audience and the type of content you are sharing. However, by keeping these general guidelines in mind and experimenting with different posting times, you can increase engagement and grow your following on Instagram.

Posting Times To Avoid Figure Out The Best Time

Posting on Instagram at the right time can do wonders for your reach and engagement. The best times to post on Instagram are weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm, with mornings being particularly active. Specific local time zones that work include Tuesday at 9 am and 1 pm, and Friday at 7 am and 11 am. Breaks in the workday, particularly at lunchtime and later in the afternoon, can also be excellent Instagram post times to take advantage of. However, avoid posting on weekends, particularly in the mornings and late at night, as those are the least active times on Instagram.

To make sure you’re posting at the most active time for your specific audience, use tools like the Instagram Post Times Optimizer. Once you get the timing right, you’ll notice the increase in engagement in no time!

Best Times To Post Reels On Instagram?

The best time to post Reels on Instagram depends on various factors such as location, industry, and target audience. However, posting during peak engagement times can increase the chances of your Reels being seen. Posting during specific times throughout the week, such as Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. may also increase engagement. Reels receive up to 300% more engagement than regular Instagram posts, making them a highly effective piece of content any time of day. Experimenting with different posting times is crucial to find what works best for your account. So, invest some time into analyzing your Instagram insights, and adjust your posting schedule accordingly to maximize your reach on Instagram.

How Often Should You Post? : Audience on Instagram

The best times to post on Instagram vary by industry and region. According to some research, the best times for nursing industry-related content are between 7-9 am on weekdays. For maximum engagement, posting on Thursdays at noon is an excellent strategy. Additionally, posting around 7 p.m. on Sundays might help you attract more viewers. It is essential to note that these times can vary depending on your specific location.

To maximize your reach and engagement, it is crucial to post multiple times a day. As the frequency of your content increases, so too will audience engagement, and hopefully, your follower count. With these guidelines, you can start strategically planning your posting schedule and observe improvements in your Instagram presence in no time.

How To Find The Best Times To Post? : Time Slot

If you want to maximize your reach on Instagram, it’s important to post at the right times to ensure the most engagement. According to recent studies, Wednesday at 11:00 AM is the best time to post for peak engagement, while Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM are the peak hours for engagement on weekends. The best times to post during weekdays (in your local time zone) are Monday: 5 AM, 11 AM, and 1 PM, and Wednesday: 5 AM, 9 AM, and 11 AM.

If you are located in the UK, the best times to post on weekdays are from 4 AM-9 AM and 7 PM-11 PM, and on weekends, you should post around noon and 4 PM-8 PM. However, it’s important to note that posting during low-engagement hours may still attract engagement on weekends due to lower competition. Therefore, finding the best times to post on Instagram is crucial for marketers and business owners to maximize their reach and exposure.

Maximize Your Reach With Scheduling Tools For Any Day Of The Week

To maximize the reach of your Instagram posts, you should schedule them strategically. Determine the best time to post by analyzing your target audience and competitors. This will help you identify the peak response times and ensure your posts are seen by the largest possible audience. During these times, schedule hourly posts to increase accuracy and take advantage of your audience’s most active time.

Use scheduling tools such as Hootsuite, which provides personalized recommendations on the best posting times. Experiment by measuring engagement using a spreadsheet to identify the best posting times for your audience. Regularly track, measure, and tweak your posting schedule to maintain engagement and grow your reach on Instagram throughout the year. With a little effort and some strategic planning, you can make the most of your Instagram profile and connect with your target audience.

Analyze Your Performance With Instagram Analytics

Using Instagram analytics is the key to maximizing your reach on the platform. With RecurPost’s custom schedule options, you can experiment with different posting times and analyze outcomes with reports and Instagram Insights. Additionally, Hootsuite provides personalized recommendations for the best times to post on Instagram, based on the analytics of your previous performances.

Posting Instagram stories, videos, and reels and prioritizing engagement are other effective strategies to boost your reach. When scheduling your posts, consider your goals for brand awareness or engagement, and analyze top-performing content using analytics tools like Hootsuite. The platform’s Best Time to Publish feature suggests optimal time slots based on historical performance data. By utilizing these tools, you can create a more effective Instagram marketing strategy that will help you connect with your audience and maximize your reach on the platform.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, finding the best time to post content on Instagram is essential for maximum reach and engagement. The ideal timing can vary depending on the day, time zone, industry, and location. The Instagram algorithm tends to prioritize content that receives more engagement in the first few hours of posting. Therefore, it is recommended to experiment with different timings, use insights from Instagram and RecurPost, and updated guides like Later’s to help schedule Instagram posts. Finding the perfect timing for your audience requires consistent monitoring and analysis, but when properly done, it can significantly amplify the impact of your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of day to post on Instagram?

When it comes to the best time to post on Instagram, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, some research indicates that Wednesday at 11:00 AM is generally considered the best time for overall engagement. Similarly, Saturdays between 8am-11am tend to have low overall engagement whereas Sundays are preferred scrolling times from midday to 8 PM.

For those in the nursing industry, data suggests that the best time to post on Instagram is in the morning between 7-9 am with multiple posts for growth and audience engagement.

Ultimately, the best way to find out what works for your brand is by experimenting with different times during the day. Try posting during peak times, then track your engagement metrics to discover which time yields maximum audience engagement. This can help you determine the optimal posting schedule tailored to your brand’s specific needs.

Is it better to post on Instagram at night or during the day?

The answer to this question depends on your target audience and your goals. Generally, the best time to post on Instagram is during the day and on weekdays. According to research, the peak engagement time on Instagram falls between 1 PM – 4 PM on Wednesdays, with Sunday at 7 PM having the highest engagement rates. Additionally, Thursday at noon is also a peak engagement time.

From a retail industry perspective, the best times to post are Wednesday at 3 PM and Friday at 11 AM – 12 PM for shopping-related posts.

For more success in terms of engagement, try posting from 9 am to 10 pm on weekdays (Monday through Friday) as these days tend to have the highest levels of engagement. Saturdays and Sundays typically have the worst engagement rates.

What time should you not post on Instagram?

When it comes to Instagram, timing is everything. Here are some tips on when you should not post on Instagram:

1. Avoid posting anything on Sundays at 7 PM. This is the least active time for users and your post is likely to go unnoticed.

2. Thursdays at noon may be peak engagement time but it can also lead to more competition from other posts as everyone tries to take advantage of the most active hours.

3. Weekends are generally a slow time for Instagram and so any posts you make during this period may not get much attention as fewer people are online.

4. Wednesday at 3 PM and Friday from 11 AM to 12 PM are known to be the worst times to post on Instagram especially if you work in the retail industry since consumers tend to be busy in those times of the day and less likely to engage with your posts.

The best times to post on Instagram are Monday 5 AM, Tuesday 9 AM, and Friday 11 AM since these are the times that have been proven to get the most engagement from users. Additionally, posting on weekdays between 9 AM and 10 PM can lead to better results since this is when most people are active on their phones looking through their feeds.

When Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram depends on your target audience and what industry you are in. Generally, it is recommended to post around noon on Thursdays for peak engagement. However, users are scrolling the most at 7 p.m. on Sundays so it’s a great opportunity to reach a wide audience as well. Additionally, between 9 a.m.-12 p.m. on Saturdays tends to be the best time to post for maximum views and likes.

For the nursing industry, which is highly driven by early risers, the best time to post is between 7-9 a.m., since nurses and students start their long day early. Posting multiple times throughout the day is also helpful for engagement and growth in this industry, as people will be more likely to see your posts.

Why best time to post on the Instagram matter?

Knowing the best time to post on Instagram is essential for effective content marketing due to a number of factors. These factors include audience size, engagement, location and algorithm. For example, research suggests that Thursday is the peak day for Instagram engagement, with noon as the best time. However, it is important to note that the best time to post on Instagram for your profile is unique and changes over time, so ongoing tracking and adjustments may be necessary.

In addition, depending on the industry you are in, the best time to post may vary. For instance, if you are in the nursing industry, some research suggests that posting multiple times a day between 7-9am can help to incite growth and engagement while taking nurse and student schedules into account. Content success will also depend on optimal timing according to audience demographic, type of content, and geographic location.

What Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram By Industry?

The best time to post on Instagram by industry will vary depending on the niche and target audience you’re trying to reach. However, according to Sprout Social’s research, the optimal posting hours are 9am-11am EST for highest engagement overall, with Wednesday at 11am being the peak engagement time.

For example, if you’re in the nursing industry, then you should focus mainly on mornings between 7am and 9am. Posting multiple times a day can also help to engage your audience better, as it would allow for people from different time zones to interact with your content. Understanding your niche is key when it comes to finding the best time to post; so make sure that you know your audience before deciding on when to post!


The best time to post on Instagram is when your target audience is the most active. To find the best posting time, analyze the engagement of your previous posts and use scheduling tools to post at optimal times. We hope this post helped you maximize your reach on Instagram. If you’re looking for a social media management tool that can schedule your posts, analyze your performance, and help you manage multiple accounts, try using Buffer. It’s free!

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