sore throat

Home remedies for a sore throat: sore throat remedies

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Everyone’s had a sore throat once or twice in their life, right? The soreness, the itchiness, the pain—it all adds up to a lot of discomfort. Sure, there are plenty of over-the-counter options out there for treating a sore throat but sometimes you just want a home remedy for comfort and relief.

Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that can help soothe that sore throat. From herbs and spices to fruits and vegetables to warm drinks and gargles—naturally soothing ingredients may be hiding in your pantry, refrigerator, or garden. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective natural home remedies for a sore throat.

What Is a Sore Throat?

A sore throat is an extremely common ailment that can be triggered by colds, the flu, allergies, or dry air. It’s characterized by a feeling of scratchiness in the back of your throat, which can range from minor irritation to severe pain.

Fortunately, you don’t have to reach for harsh over-the-counter medications to alleviate your sore throat—there are plenty of natural home remedies that you can use instead. From herbal tea and honey to a saltwater gargle and steam inhalation, these remedies have been used for centuries and provide safe, effective relief from your discomfort. Let’s take a look at some of the best home remedies for a sore throat:

  • Herbal Tea and Honey: A warm cup of herbal tea can offer soothing relief and honey adds an extra layer of comfort.
  • Saltwater Gargle: Gargling with salt water helps reduce inflammation and flush out irritants.
  • Steam Inhalation: Breathing in steam helps rehydrate your airways. You can also add essential oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint to enhance the effect.

Common Symptoms of Sore Throat

If you experience a sore throat, you may recognize some or all of the following symptoms: a scratchy or tickly sensation in the back of your throat, difficulty swallowing, and swollen tonsils. You might also experience pain when talking, coughing, or yawning. Other general signs of a sore throat include headache and fever.

Once you recognize these symptoms, it’s helpful to take steps to try to soothe the pain and discomfort. You may find that home remedies help relieve your throat’s irritation without taking medicine or visiting the doctor. Some popular home remedies for an aching throat include gargling with warm salt water for 15-30 seconds multiple times per day, drinking plenty of fluids (especially warm beverages), using slippery elm lozenges, and using steam from a humidifier or pot of boiling water. Homeopathic medicines like lemon juice mixed with honey can also help soothe your sore throat.

While natural remedies are generally safe for adults to try at home without consulting a doctor, some cases may require medication or professional medical attention. If your sore throat persists beyond three days or if it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor right away.

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Do you have a sore throat? You’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, sore throats are the third most common reason for doctor visits in the United States. But before you head to the doctor, why not try some natural home remedies for sore throats?

Gargle with Salt Water

Gargling with salt water is one of the oldest home remedies for sore throats. It can help reduce inflammation and soothe the pain of a sore throat. Just mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle it for at least 30 seconds.

Hot Tea

Hot tea can provide relief from a sore throat because it helps reduce inflammation and coats your throat in soothing warmth. Try to use an herbal tea that contains ingredients like honey, ginger or chamomile. For even more relief, add some honey or lemon juice to your drink—it’ll help cut through mucus and make it easier to swallow.

Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation can also provide relief from a sore throat by helping to break up mucus and reduce inflammation in your throat. Boil some water, pour it into a large bowl and lean over it with a towel draped over your head, making sure you’re far enough away so you don’t get burned by the steam. Take slow, deep breaths through your nose until the steam begins to feel less hot—this usually takes about 5 minutes—and then take a break and repeat as often as necessary.

Natural Treatments for Sore Throat

If you’re looking for natural treatments for a sore throat, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s some of the most efficient home remedies that could help soothe the pain:

Honey and lemon

It turns out honey and lemon are more than just an Instagram-worthy breakfast combination. The healing effects of both are well-known, so why not put them together? Mix a teaspoon of honey with the juice of half a fresh lemon into a cup of lukewarm water and sip on it—it’ll help treat your throat pain in no time.

Apple cider vinegar

Who knew there were so many uses for apple cider vinegar? If you’ve got a sore throat, mix two teaspoons into a cup of warm water and gargle twice per day—it’s anti-microbial nature can help reduce inflammation and combat bacteria in your throat.

Hot tea with ginger & cinnamon

It isn’t surprising that tea is on this list—there’s a reason it’s the most common cold remedy for sore throats. To make it even more effective, try steeping slices of ginger root or cinnamon sticks in your favorite hot tea or water. Both contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat your sore throat symptoms.

Whether you decide to go with one or all of these natural cures for sore throat relief, adding any one of these treatments to your routine is sure to help decrease your sore throat pain in no time!

Foods to Avoid With Sore Throat

When you have a sore throat, it’s best to veer away from certain foods that can worsen your condition. Your throat needs time to heal, so it’s important that you don’t consume foods that could irritate and further inflame your throat.

Here are some of the things you should avoid while recovering from a sore throat:

  1. Anything too spicy – Spicy foods can irritate your throat, so it’s a good idea to stay away from them while you’re trying to recover.
  2. Citrus fruits – Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits are acidic and can further inflame your throat and make it hard to swallow.
  3. Fried foods – Fried foods can cause inflammation and contribute to the pain in the back of your throat.
  4. Dairy products – Dairy products are mucus-producing and can coat the back of your throat with a thick layer of mucus that further irritates sore throats.
  5. Alcoholic beverages – Alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration which can worsen the pain in your throat, making it harder for you to swallow or even speak.

These are just a few examples of what not to eat when you have a sore throat—avoid any food that might make your discomfort worse or increase the risk of infection due to poor hygiene practices when consuming them!

When to See a Doctor for a Sore Throat

It’s common to feel a bit under the weather every now and then, and a sore throat is no exception. However, if your symptoms persist for more than a few days, you may need to seek medical advice. Here are some signs that mean it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor:

  1. Your sore throat persists for more than two weeks or is accompanied by a fever higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. You have difficulty speaking, swallowing or breathing
  3. You find blood in your saliva or phlegm
  4. You experience severe ear or jaw pain in addition to a sore throat
  5. You have changes in vision or facial paralysis on one side of your face
  6. You have an underlying health issue such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes or heart disease
  7. Lymph nodes in your neck are swollen and tender
  8. You see white patches on the back of your throat

It’s always best to err on the side of caution and make sure you get checked out by a professional if any of these symptoms apply to you. It’s important to keep an eye on your sore throat, as some conditions could be serious if left untreated.

Understanding Sore Throats

Now that you know a few home remedies for a sore throat, understanding the cause of your pain is the key to finding the right remedy. A sore throat can typically be caused by a virus, but can also be due to allergies, a bacterial infection, overuse of your vocal cords, or something lodged in your throat such as food. Depending on the cause and severity of your sore throat, here are some natural remedies to soothe your pain:

For Viral Infections

If your sore throat is caused by a cold or flu virus, gargling with saltwater (1-2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water) can help reduce swelling and remove phlegm from the back of the throat. Additionally, getting enough rest and staying hydrated may help relieve any symptoms.

For Bacterial Infections

If you suspect your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection such as strep throat, you should see a doctor for antibiotics if it doesn’t improve after several days. In the meantime, gargling with warm water helps keep bacteria levels low and can provide some relief. Taking an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can also provide pain and fever relief.

For Allergies

If allergies are causing your sore throat symptoms such as itchy eyes and sneezing after spending time outdoors, an antihistamine like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may provide some relief. Drinking plenty of fluids can also help thin out mucous which could be making your symptoms worse.

Lozenges and Honey

You might have heard that Lozenges and honey are great natural home remedies for a sore throat. But why do they work? Lozenges contain an active ingredient, which helps to reduce pain and fight off the virus that caused your sore throat in the first place. The active ingredient may also help to decrease inflammation, making it easier for you to swallow.

Same goes for honey – it helps soothe a sore throat because of its antibacterial properties. Honey also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help make your sore throat less painful and reduce swelling. And the sticky consistency of honey helps coat the throat, acting as an effective protection against further irritation.

So next time you have a sore throat, reach for either lozenges or honey:

  1. Suck on lozenges slowly, allowing them to dissolve in your mouth gradually
  2. Swallow a spoonful of honey to coat your throat and alleviate discomfort
  3. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins

Hot and Cold Fluids

Although sore throats often come with colds, it’s usually the bacterial infections that cause the pain.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to soothe a sore throat is to drink hot or cold fluids, like warm teas or cold drinks. They help to keep the throat moist, which can often bring relief from irritation.

Hot Drinks

Hot drinks are known to loosen mucus and reduce inflammation, while also providing relief from a sore throat. Try sipping on something like a ginger-garlic tea or honey-lemon concoction — both of which can help reduce swelling and provide natural healing properties.

Cold Drinks

Cold liquids such as ice-cold water can provide some temporary relief from a sore throat but may not be as soothing as warm drinks. It’s best to avoid sugary or carbonated beverages because they may further irritate your throat.

Mixing natural herbs and spices into your fluids will further increase its healing powers — for example, mixing cinnamon with honey or peppermint with ginger can help reduce pain and promote healing. Drinking fluids throughout the day is also important for keeping your body hydrated and helping you recover from a sore throat faster.

Saltwater gargle

Gargling with saltwater is one of the oldest and most reliable home remedies for a sore throat. Salt helps to draw out excess fluid and reduce inflammation, while the warm water soothes the throat and relieves pain. To make the solution, mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water (or use 1 teaspoon salt for every 2 cups of water). Gargle with it three times a day for relieve sore throat discomfort. You can also add other ingredients to your gargling mixture such as lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, which can help to reduce inflammation, fight bacteria in the throat, and improve overall throat health.

Rest and Hydration

You can do two things right away to help with a sore throat: get some rest, and drink plenty of fluids. It’s the classic advice, but there is a good reason for it. Resting gives your body time to heal and fight any infections, and hydration helps to keep your throat moist which can help soothe any irritation. Plus, it helps flush out any germs and toxins that may be in your system.

Rest up

Your body works really hard every day running around taking care of whatever you have going on in your life. A sore throat is your body’s way of letting you know that it needs some time off, so be sure to stay at-home. Get enough sleep — around 8-10 hours for the average adult — and rest during the day if needed.


Staying hydrated is essential for staying healthy in general, but especially if you are suffering from a sore throat. Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day — more when it’s especially hot outside or you’ve been exercising — and stay away from drinks with caffeine or alcohol which can actually dehydrate you further. If plain water gets boring after a while, you can try teas or warm soups and broth too! The important thing is just to keep fluids flowing through your system so your body has everything it needs stay healthy when fighting off a sore throat.

Avoiding Irritants

You’re probably already aware that things like smoking and drinking alcohol can irritate a sore throat. But you may not be aware that certain foods can do the same thing. Acidic, spicy, or very salty foods can all irritate a sore throat, so it’s best to avoid them until you feel better.

It’s also important to avoid dry air, which can make your sore throat even more uncomfortable. If possible, try using a humidifier in any room where you spend a lot of time to help keep your airways moist and easier to breathe.


Pollution is another factor to consider when dealing with a sore throat. Toxins in the air can cause inflammation that leads to irritation and discomfort in your throat—so if you live in an area with high levels of air pollution, try to limit your exposure as much as possible until your sore throat subsides.

Coughing and Sneezing

It may go without saying but coughing or sneezing when you have a sore throat is not going to help the situation! Try to avoid contact with anyone who is sick if at all possible, and if you do need to be around someone who is sick, wear a face mask and make sure they wear one too.

Pain relief

Do you have a sore throat that’s driving you crazy? If so, there are plenty of natural home remedies that can help soothe the pain.

Gargling with salt water

Gargling with salt water is one of the oldest tricks in the book and it really works! The salt water helps reduce irritation and swelling, and helps lubricate the throat. The salt also helps to draw out any excess water and mucous that might be causing the discomfort. All you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon of salt per cup of warm water, then gargle for 10-15 seconds.

Lemon juice & honey

Lemon juice has antiseptic properties, so it’s great for soothing a sore throat. Honey is an effective natural remedy too—its antimicrobial properties can help to fight off bacteria and reduce inflammation. To make this remedy you’ll need to combine 2 teaspoons of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water. Drink this mixture slowly for best results.

Tea & herbs

Herbal teas aren’t just delicious, they can also be used as an effective sore throat home remedy thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties. Herbs like chamomile, sage, thyme and elderberry are all great options for soothing a sore throat—just add a spoonful of your chosen herb to boiling water, let it steep for 10 minutes then drink slowly while still hot or warm.

You don’t have to suffer in silence—try these simple natural home remedies next time your throat gets sore and see if they relieve the pain!

Baking soda gargle

You probably already have baking soda in your kitchen, but did you know that baking soda is one of the best home remedies for a sore throat?

How it works

Baking soda is a natural anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce swelling and irritation in the throat. It also helps neutralize stomach acids and reduce acid reflux, which can help relieve some of the pain. If you’re feeling nauseous after a bout of coughing or sneezing, try mixing a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water to help relieve some of those symptoms as well.

How to use it

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into 1 cup (8 ounces) of warm water until completely dissolved. Take small sips and gargle with this mixture for 30 seconds, then spit it out. Repeat this remedy up to four times daily until your sore throat subsides.


All in all, treating a sore throat with natural home remedies can be a great way to leave you feeling better and help you save money in the process. Many of the remedies discussed here are easy to find, inexpensive, and something you can stock up on for when you need them the most.

Before you start using the remedies, consult with your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you. And while they’re great options to help soothe a sore throat, don’t replace medical advice with a home remedy. If your throat pain persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, seek medical help right away.

When used safely and appropriately, natural home remedies can be a great way to help alleviate the discomfort of a sore throat. With a little preparation and patience you can find relief and help get back to feeling better.

What is the fastest way to cure a sore throat?

The fastest way to cure a sore throat might not involve any medicine at all. That’s right—sometimes home remedies are the best bet for a sore throat.

Salt Water Gargle

Gargling with warm salt water is an age-old remedy for soothing a sore throat. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle the mixture three to four times daily, depending on your comfort level. The salt helps relieve inflammation while killing bacteria and speeding up recovery time.

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea can help boost your immunity, reduce inflammation, and help with healing. You can make your own tea with herbs such as echinacea, ginger or peppermint, or use the pre-made herbal tea bags available in most stores. Make sure to drink two to three cups of herbal tea throughout the day for quick relief from your sore throat symptoms.

Honey and Lemon Drink

Honey and lemon are both known to have antibacterial properties, so they make a great combination for treating a sore throat naturally. To make an all-natural honey and lemon drink, mix one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice in one cup of warm water. Drink this mixture two to three times daily until you feel better — that should do the trick!

What naturally soothes a sore throat?

It’s no fun having a sore throat, but luckily there are some natural remedies that can help soothe the pain. Here are some of the best ones:

Salt water gargle

Everyone’s heard of this one. Gargling a few times a day with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water can help to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. It’s not a cure, but it can provide some relief.

Honey and lemon

It may sound strange, but honey and lemon have actually been proven to help with sore throats thanks to their antibacterial properties. Mix one tablespoon of honey with the juice from one lemon in a glass of warm water and drink it twice daily for best results.

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation is simply inhaling steam from boiling water in which herbs such as thyme or peppermint have been added. It helps to break up mucus and reduce inflammation, plus it also has some antiseptic properties that can help fight off infections.

Herbal teas

These are great for sore throats too—try drinking chamomile tea or tulsi tea to soothe the pain. They both contain antiseptic properties which can help reduce inflammation in your throat. Additionally, tulsi contains compounds that can actually boost your immune system and help fight off those nasty germs!

Does honey help sore throat?

You may have heard that honey is a great way to soothe a sore throat. And it’s true! Honey is an antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, which includes antibacterial and antifungal properties—all of which makes it an awesome natural remedy for sore throats.

How does it work? Honey can help protect against infections that cause throat irritation, plus it helps coat and soothe the throat. But honey isn’t just great for relieving soreness—it can also help reduce swelling and irritation, too.

Here’s how you can use honey to naturally help relieve your sore throat:

  1. Make a glass of warm water with 1-2 tablespoons of honey, stir until the honey dissolves completely
  2. Gargle the mixture slowly several times a day (it won’t harm if you swallow some too!)
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a day for best results

Using honey as a natural home remedy for sore throat can bring some real relief when you need it most, so give it a try!

Does Vicks help sore throat?

We’ve all heard the home remedy of putting Vicks on your throat when it’s sore, but what do you really know about it? Believe it or not, Vicks may actually provide some relief for a sore throat.

Vicks contains menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil, which can provide temporary relief for coughing and congestion. Applying a small amount of Vicks to your throat and chest can help clear congestion and soothe a sore throat. It’s important to note, however, that using Vicks as a home remedy is no replacement for seeing a doctor if your sore throat won’t go away or doesn’t get better with natural remedies.

If you do want to give Vicks a try for your sore throat, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Apply only a small amount — the equivalent of two fingers — to the skin on your neck or chest area.
  2. Rub it in gently with circular motions until completely absorbed.
  3. Avoid contact with eyes, nostrils and mouth.
  4. Repeat twice daily or as needed until symptoms have improved.

What are the best ways to help a sore throat?

When it comes to sore throats, feeling better doesn’t have to mean swallowing a pill—there are plenty of natural remedies you can use to soothe the discomfort. Here are just a few that might help:

Saltwater gargles

Saltwater is an age-old remedy for sore throats, and the scientific evidence backs it up. Studies show that salt water helps hydrate the throat and reduce inflammation, providing relief from pain and reducing mucus build-up. To do a salt water rinse, mix 1/4 teaspoon of table salt with 8 ounces of lukewarm water and gargle it for about 30 seconds.

Honey & warm drinks

Honey has long been known to be effective at soothing sore throats due to its anti-inflammatory properties, while warm liquids help lubricate membranes in your throat and soothe irritation. To get that dual relief, mix two teaspoons of honey into hot tea or even warm lemon water. This combination makes a great remedy for both adults and children over the age of one year.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas can also be very effective for treating sore throats as they contain natural anti-inflammatory properties from the herbs used. Some tea combinations that might help include ginger root tea with honey (for adults) or chamomile tea (for children over four years old). You can also try adding other herbs like peppermint into your tea for additional relief.

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of a Sore Throat?

When you think of a sore throat, you usually imagine that itchy ache-y feeling when you swallow and the scratchy, dry feeling in your throat. But what are the other signs and symptoms?

Difficulty Swallowing

When your throat is sore, it can be hard to swallow, and any attempt to do so can cause more inflammation and pain. Usually this will go away after a few days with the help of some home remedies.


Headaches are often associated with throat pain because of how closely connected the neck and throat muscles are. If you’re experiencing a headache along with a sore throat, some gentle neck stretches might help relieve it.


A sore throat can cause coughing due to an irritation of the airways, which can lead to inflammation and coughing fits. Taking an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or aspirin can help to reduce this symptom.

Swollen lymph nodes

If your lymph nodes are swollen in your neck area, you may be dealing with a sore throat as well. This swelling is usually caused by infection or virus in your body. The best way to get rid of swollen lymph nodes is by treating whatever is causing them in the first place, such as getting plenty of rest or taking antibiotics if necessary.

How long does a sore throat last?

Good question! Sore throats usually last from three to seven days and get better as your body fights off the infection. But if it lasts longer than 10 days or is accompanied by a fever, you should see a doctor.

In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to soothe the pain and help speed up the healing process:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids – such as teas, soups and hot water – to keep your throat moist and ease discomfort.
  2. Try gargling with warm saltwater (1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water) several times a day, as this can help reduce inflammation and keep your throat clean.
  3. Consider using an over-the-counter sore throat spray or lozenges for quick relief.
  4. Get plenty of rest. There’s no magic number when it comes to how much sleep you should get, but the general rule is 7-8 hours per night for adults and 10-11 hours per night for kids aged 4-12.
  5. Use a humidifier or vaporizer in your bedroom while you sleep – this will keep the air around your throat moist and prevent drying out during sleep.

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