Influencers for Your Niche

How to Find the Perfect Influencers for Your Niche

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If you’re looking to build your brand or promote a product online, you are probably aware that influencers are a great way to do so. The term “influencer” can mean many things, but it generally refers to someone with an established following who has the potential to positively impact the purchasing decisions of their audience. Finding these people is easy enough if you know where to look — but finding the right influencers for your niche can be challenging. Here are some tips for narrowing down your search for influencers:

Choose the right platform for your message.

If your message is best conveyed through a video, choose YouTube or Instagram. If it’s more appropriate to be shared in written form, try Facebook or Twitter. The point is that the platform you use should match the content of your message–and that doesn’t just mean the topic; it also means how long people are willing to spend reading about it.

A good rule of thumb for choosing which social media platform will work best for your brand: if someone would have to scroll down past three posts before reaching yours on their feed (or if there’s no way for them at all), then maybe that isn’t really where people go when they’re looking for what you offer!

Use a platform that’s easy to navigate.

When it comes to finding influencers, you want to make sure that the platform is easy to navigate. You don’t want to spend hours scrolling through lists and profiles trying to find the right person for your campaign. Look for something with an intuitive design and a lot of users.

Start with a few niche influencers.

Start with a few niche influencers. Influencer marketing is an investment, so the first step is to make sure that your chosen influencers have the right audience for your brand.

You can always add more later, but it’s better to start small and then build on that foundation than it is to go overboard right away and have no idea which influencers are working for you and which ones aren’t. You also don’t want to spend all of your budget at once; otherwise, if one of those initial choices doesn’t pan out (or even if they do), there won’t be any money left over for future campaigns!

Look for an influencer who has a similar audience or audience with potential overlap

If you’re looking to reach a new audience, it’s important to find an influencer who has a similar audience and target market as yours.

For example, if you sell dog food and want to reach more pet owners, look for an influencer with an audience of dog owners. This will help expand your reach and make it easier for people interested in dogs but not necessarily buying dog food yet (or at all) to find out more about what your brand has to offer them.

Look for influencers who have an engaged audience already.

The more followers an influencer has, the more likely they are to be engaged. The engagement rate is a good measure of how engaged their audience is and should be one of your top considerations when looking for influencers. It’s calculated by dividing likes, comments or shares by total followers:

For example: if an influencer has 10k followers and gets 1k likes on their last post (10%), then their engagement rate would be 10%. If another influencer has 100k followers but only gets 500 likes on average (0.5%), then their engagement rate would also be 0.5%.

Finding the right influencer can be challenging but there are a lot of tools available to help

Finding the right influencers for your niche is a challenge, but there are a lot of tools available to help.

  • Use BuzzSumo and Followerwonk to find relevant influencers in your industry. These two tools allow you to search by topics and see who has shared content related to those topics on social media. You can also use these tools as an easy way of finding out who’s popular in your area of interest so that you can connect with them later on down the line if needed!
  • Use Klout, Kred and PeerIndex within the first few steps when attempting this process (before deciding whether or not someone should be considered as an influencer). It’s important not only because it shows how influential someone is online but also because it shows how many followers/friends they have across different platforms such as Facebook & Twitter – which means there could be potential customers waiting there too!!


Finding the right influencer can be challenging but there are a lot of tools available to help. You can use tools like BuzzSumo or Ninja Outreach to find influencers in your niche, but you should also look at their follower count and engagement rate before deciding if they’re right for your campaign. If you want someone with an engaged audience already then you may want to look at Instagram or Twitter instead of Facebook because those platforms have more users who already know what they’re looking at when they see an advert on their newsfeed!

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